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Yinchuan Comprehensive Bonded Area Administrative Committee, deputy director Cai Yongning line

Date:2016-06-08 Source:Dtimp Browse:1445

January 15, 2016, deputy director of the CMC Yinchuan fully protected areas Cai Yongning, Director of Economic Development Zone Investment Office Shi Yonghao, Yinchuan Municipal Government Zhushen deputy director Zhao Yanmei Yinchuan CMC staff and fully protected areas Liang Xin and his entourage to visit our company. Company chairman and managing Yangliu Fei, vice president Tang Liang, director and marketing manager Zhao Ming Cheng Fan and other related personnel accompanied the expedition.

It is learned that, Yinchuan fully protected areas on September 10, 2012 approved construction planning area of 4 square kilometers, on December 29, 2013 officially closed to run. Yinchuan fully protected areas and actively integrate into the international "along the way" economic strategy, relying on Ningxia Arab culture, and actively build for the Arab online and Silk Air Silk Road. With the May 2016 Emirates Airlines launched direct flights to Dubai to Yinchuan, will be fully open to the Arab countries, Africa, Europe trade routes.

Chairman and general manager Yang Liufei chaired a forum. Yang behalf of the company to the delegation a warm welcome, cross-border trade and e-commerce business development on the company's development process, the company Silk Road economic belt development strategy and the company to visiting staff are described in detail. Combined Yinchuan geographical advantages, special policies Yinchuan fully protected area, it is our participation in the area all the way to speed up the economic development strategy of the company relies on the layout of coastal and inland radiation mature market development, to the visiting leaders expressed a high degree of willingness to cooperate.

Deputy director of Yinchuan CMC Cai Yongning fully protected areas for the development of our company and actively participate fully protected area of Yinchuan economic development given the praise and welcome. Dongtai As the leading integrated logistics services company, to provide comprehensive one-stop logistics services and supply chain solutions, especially for bonded testing and maintenance of new business models and experienced. Yinchuan fully protected areas are currently being actively replicating Shanghai FTA policy, the company's main business and fully protected areas regulatory policies to promote innovation and Aviation Logistics Park Planning fit higher. So look at "along the way", relying on Arab trade between the two sides can have a more substantive cooperation.

Aspects of the discussion, the two sides focused on the fully protected areas Yinchuan Aviation Logistics Park shipment center project, the project investment and financing model, industrial development planning, in-depth exchanges and cooperation to accelerate and promote representation.


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